Desktop Dio: Engineers in Egypt
My original outline for Issue 2: Battle Plans was to have the GI Joe combat engineers do something when the suicide bomber blew up his...

Desktop Dio: Snow Serpents Strike
I changed the dio again in December, and I went for a winter theme. A roll of matting became a snowfall, and I brought out all my Snow...

Desktop Dio: Bivouac Bunker
From air to land, I wanted to focus on the Mobile Battle Bunker, even though mine is missing the side guns. We have a HAVOC for the...

Desktop Dio: Dawn on the Flightline
The first desktop diorama featured the Thunderwing jet from 2004, which is modeled on the F-22 Raptor.
Mini-Dios and Desktop Dioramas
For the past year, the only dio-work I've done is at work. The new office has cubicles with a high cupboard, and space right at six-foot...