Desktop Dio: Surfside Stakeout
Initial intelligence suggests an underwater terrordrome is being built off the coast. Posing as tourists, Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, Torpedo,...
Desktop Dio: Friday 'Nok Fights
The Dreadnoks get together for popcorn, grape soda, and the local basketball game. Zanya steps into an argument between Buzzer and Ripper...
Desktop Dio: Kicking the Treads
Showroom time at M.A.R.S. Destro presents the newest model HISS to Cobra Commander, who is not going to let the Scottish laird...
Desktop Dio: Ballistic Barricade
A brace of GI Joe armor lines up, ready to knock down an opposing cavalry charge.
Desktop Dio: Dogfight
A Thunderwing and Night Raven II square off in an aerial battle.
Desktop Dio: Fuel Convoy
The transport team dispatches a fuel truck to a remote airfield.
Desktop Dio: Therapod Throwdown
Is it a training sim, or does Jurassic Park co-exist with GI Joe?
Desktop Dio: Shadow Cleaning
The Red Shadows spend time cleaning dust from various pieces of mothballed equipment.
Desktop Dio: Ringneck Rampage
Serpentor leads a squad of Ringnecks to battle. An "Appel"-series Crimson Guardsman rides in the Ringneck to Serpentor's left.
Desktop Dio: FOB Motor Pool
Flint and Lt. Falcon take stock of a new BAT prototype while Clutch and Hot Seat affect repairs on the team's VAMP.