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Fun Dioramas
COMING SOON - These diorama comics are outside the normal continuity and generally are of a comic nature.
Desktop Dioramas
Dawn on the FlightlinePrepping a Thunderwing jet for launch. Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, Timber, Clutch, Salvo, Low-Light, Slipstream, Duke, Pallet May 22, 2014 | Bivouac BunkerA G.I. Joe artillery squad sets up camp. Cross-Country, Hot Seat (HAVOC), Barricade, Mercer, Mutt, Junkyard, Bazooka, Lifeline, Backblast, Steam Roller, Grand Slam (MBB) August 27, 2014 | Snow Serpents StrikeIt's a winter assault as Cobra WOLFs and Snow Serpents attack, led by Major Bludd! December 24, 2014 |
Engineers In EgyptGI Joe Combat Engineers in an armored column pass by some Egyptian statues. Dusty, Recoil, Wreckage, Charbroil, Tollbooth, Dart, Cover Girl, Hacker, Mayday, Zap March 6, 2015 | Resupply At SeaThe Ghost Hawk II seaplane with Navy pilot Kittykat (custom Joe, rename of Slipstream v2) receives a resupply of missiles and bombs from the USS Jane (custom frigate) while the SHARC is on patrol. Joes: Deep-Six, Kittykat, Wet-Suit, Cutter, Dial-Tone, Topside, Polly, Shipwreck, Torpedo | Predator at the PerimeterReconnaissance and surveillance at a perimeter station include a late-model VAMP (I can't call it a "ninja combat cruiser"), Sky Hawks, and a MQ-1B Predator drone. Joes: Armadillo, Gung Ho, Blowtorch, Firewall, Spearhead, Max, Red Spot, Lightfoot, Windmill, Fast Draw, Roadblock |
Tundra TanksPerhaps as a sequel to last years' "Snow Serpents Strike," a column of Joe snow tanks race across a snow plain. Joes: Ice Sabre #1: Frostbite, Link Talbot, Stalker, Cross Hair. Arctic Blast: Wind Chill, Sub-Zero, Iceberg. Ice Sabre #2: Alpine, Law, Blizzard, Duke. Avalanche: Cold Front, Cannonball. Battle Bear Mark III: Snow Job. | Test FlightOn a remote Transportable Tactical Battle Platform, the Joe R&D team bolt a MASS Device onto a stealth aircraft for a top secret flight. A set of Joe top brass and JAG representation look on. Joes: Deep-Six, Hard Drive, Hi-Tech, Hacker, Mainframe, Ghostrider, Col. Courage, Gen. Hawk, Adm. Keel-Haul, Cmdr. Squint, Repeater, Airborne, Lift-Ticket | Defiant SpacewalkIn orbit, two Joes prepare to assist the Comandos em Ação with placing a communications satellite. Joes: Roadblock, Countdown Defiant Shuttle: Payload, Fast Draw, Ripcord Defiant Booster: Manleh, Gen. Hawk, Grand Slam, Sparta |
HISS Tanks on ParadeThe Baroness leads a set of Cobra troopers in new HISS V tanks. Crimson up-armored HISS V: Baroness (turret) HISS V following Baroness: Python Patrol CLAWS - Cpl Betty D. "Bruno" Wilson (turret) Corpsmen: Motor-Vipers (driving) Blueshirts (troop transport), SAW-Vipers (turrets and rear platforms.) | Rocc OnThe ROCC mobilizes, preparing to launch a stealth mission. Joes: ROCC cab: Armadillo (driver), Scanner (shotgun), Shockwave (catbird), Steam Roller Command Center: Hardball, Lifeline, Breaker, Charbroil, Ghost Rider, Mayday (gunner pod) | RHINO ExtractionFlanked by a pair of Desert Foxes, the Joe team returns to the RHINO to leave the firefight. |
Coastal PatrolCutter helms the vehicle hovercraft with a Joe patrol boat running shotgun. | FOB Motor PoolFlint and Lt. Falcon take stock of a new BAT prototype while Clutch and Hot Seat affect repairs on the team's VAMP. | Ringneck RampageSerpentor leads a squad of Ringnecks to battle in Ringneck Rampage. An "Appel"-series Crimson Guardsman rides in the Ringneck to Serpentor's left. In my Joeverse, Python Patrol fill the function of lower- to mid-grade NCOs, while the Crimson level denotes senior NCO and officers. Thus, there exist Crimson Televipers and Alley-Vipers as well as junior-grade Guardsmen who haven't yet reached Crimson status. #yojoe #cobra #serpentor #professorappel |
Shadow CleaningThe Red Shadows, who in my Joeverse broke away from Cobra after Trucial Abysmia, spend time cleaning dust from various pieces of equipment. | Therapod ThrowdownIs it a training sim, or does Juraissic Park co-exist with GI Joe? Recondo, Grunt, Backblast, Taurus, Gung-Ho, Airborne, Roadblock, and Cloudburst versus a T-Rex and a pack of velociraptors. | Fuel ConvoyThe transport team |
DogfightA Thunderwing and Night Raven II square off in an aerial battle. | Ballistic Barricade | Kicking the TreadsShowroom time at M.A.R.S. Destro presents the newest model HISS to Cobra Commander, who is not going to out-fashion the Scottish laird on his home turf. HISS variants 1 and 4 were de-mothballed for display. The Baroness offers data on improvements vs. the disastrous HISS IV while Major Bludd and a Wild Boar officer talk practical matters. A Crimson Tele-Viper records the sales pitch, and Storm Shadow and a Nullifier provide security for the respective, oft-allied factions. |
Friday 'Nok FightsThe Dreadnoks get together for popcorn, grape soda, and the local basketball game. Zanya steps into an argument between Buzzer and Ripper while Zandar debates whether to intervene. Zarana and Road Pig talk while Torch plays a video game. Zartan kicks back, watching over his crew. | Surfside StakeoutInitial intelligence suggests an underwater terrordrome is being built off the coast. Posing as tourists, Scarlett, Snake-Eyes, Torpedo, and Mayday prepare to dive with SCUBA equipment to investigate. A response team waits at the nearby safe house. Dart checks connections on an Air Assault Glider while Roadblock cooks for the team. Rock 'n Roll, Muskrat, Clutch, and Shipwreck make the most of the downtime. |
Character One-Shots
One-Shots are short scenes that generally feature one character, though sometimes others are mentioned or have cameos.
These originally appeared in the dossier section under the individual's dossier entry.
Countdown |
Mayday |
Steeler |
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